Thursday, July 05, 2007

Past Few Weeks Events

Did I tell you that summer is nearly half-over in the NW and it really just began? Oh I know summer begins in June, but out here "summer weather doesn't usually arrive until sometime after the 4th of July. At that time the rain finally stops for a month or two and we get to enjoy some of the greatest weather known to man!

I am one of those people who has all these great aspirations coming into summer. All the things that i want to do. I usually make a list of cool things that I want to do and then about October realize I did none of them. Well, this summer is a little different. For those of who who don't know back on May 23, 2007 I was diagnosed by Dr. Logerfo with Melanoma. This is a very serious form of skin cancer. It is diagnosed with many different stages, types and levels. I was told my skin spot was cancerous and that a specialist (Dr. Fuecht) would be calling me shortly. Dr. Fuecht's nurse called me shorty to schedule a consultation that would cover what type of melanoma I had and at what stage it was. Needless to say the next few days were some of those most interesting of my life. You won't believe the thought processes that run through your mind. Through it all God granted me the grace to endure up until the day I went in for my consult. Dr. Kenneth Fuecht is probably in the top two or three of the most intelligent people I have met in my life. He and his team of surgeons have been credited with many discoveries in the field of skin cancer. The walls of his office are lines with recognitions from medical universities all over the globe. This made me feel a little more comfortable as I settle into a plush chair on this dreaded Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Fuecht soon arrived and the first words out of his mouth were, "you didn't Google this did you?" Of course I said "yes" to which he replied, "Oh God!" He proceeded to tell me how the majority of those folks have no clue and they throw out blanket statements concerning these diseases that don't apply to every diagnosis. He then went on to tell me of a situation previous to me that week where a woman came in very emotional sure that she was dying because of what she had read online, only to find out that the test he held in his hands showed no real danger concerning her diagnosis. I started to feel good at this point. I even remember thinking to myself...maybe that is me! God just took me through this time to make sure I still trusted him. Unfortunately that was not the case. He proceeded to break the news to me that I had the most deadly type of melanoma. He explained that the severity of melanoma is not determined by its diameter...many types of melanoma will grow on the skin and may require skin removals and grafts but never be a threat to ones health. The severity of melanoma is determined by its depth and infiltration of surrounding skin cells and glands. An undetected melanoma that attacks the cells and glands will take a life in less than six months. This is the type of melanoma that I had just been diagnosed with.

A million thoughts began to race through my mind. You would have to know my situation. I hate doctors and have maybe gone twice in the last 20 years. This past winter I contracted a cold and after a three month infinity cough my wife finally convinced me to go to the doctor. Dr. Peter Logerfo who serves as are family physician wanted to listen to my lungs. while he listened he notices this tiny little speck on my back that showed some discoloration. He expressed his concern about this spot and asked me to just be safe and schedule an appointment to have it removed in about a week. Life is busy in the Johnstone house and the appointment that I made came and went with little or no thought from me. That is until Dr. Logerfo personally called me to beat me over the head about not coming in. his exact words were, "Nick this is serious, don't play around get this taken care of." I scheduled an appointment for the following day and started to wonder what had made him call me back. When I arrived he looked at it again and made statements like, ""you know it is probably nothing, it will probably just go away over time." Me being the "physicians office hater" that I am thought, well then lets just leave it alone. I hate needles and pain so why torture myself. After about a short 30 minute surgery I left his office with a small incision in my back and thought that was the end of it. And it was until I went back 10 days later (May 23) to have the stitches removed. The nurse came in and told me that the doctor was out today but he would be calling me because my biopsy came back positive for melanoma. This news came only hours before I had to leave town for 3 days of preaching engagements in two separate cities. Talk about distraction.

All of this came flooding back the moment that Dr. Fuecht spoke the words "un-detected spots." I began to wonder, had God given me an everlasting cold? Did he know that in my male ego and stubbornness I would not have ever gone into a doctors office for a simple checkup. The good news was that they had caught this particular spot at a very early stage. However, the area removed contained "bad cells" which basically meant that the risk of a quick return was very high. After further review of my back Dr Fuecht spotted four other areas that were of concern to him. At this point i didn't care if he was concerned or not...just get them off me! I am not taking any more chances. We scheduled a surgery for June 28, 2007. We are seven days removed from the surgery and my life is starting to return to normal. My back looks as though I was attacked by a shark and is healing slowly. I am not out of the woods yet. In about three days I will find out about the cells and their depth around the melanoma and I will also find out if the other locations were clean.

Both Kaylee and I are very appreciative of all your prayers and support. We are trusting in the Lord and covet his grace daily.

With that being said, this has changed my life! I am doing exactly what I want this summer. I have canceled engagements and cleared my schedule. Life is too short to not spend time with family and friends. My list is growing quickly...I have to get over to Yakima to play Apple Tree golf course, take my quads to Moses Lake and spend time with my wife and family. Sounds like more bbq's and pool parties to me!

I am still working on the Survivor mentality blog...I will be posting it shortly.



Jenn said...

Thanks for sharing! You're on my list, God is able! :o)

Anonymous said...


We heard from Chelsea that you guys have been going thru this. Our prayers are with you, the word cancer has multiple effects. Fear, faith, anger and then thankfully for those who rest in Him a resignation to just lean :)
A friend reminded me of this simple thought. He is faithful. Unfortanetly our mind can be the greatest battle field. Fear still creeps in at times even though I trust His healing. He's our refuge, remember that you are going through this together. I put myself into a survival mode and at times in order to "survive" I had my guard up and without realizing it.....putting on a brave face.....trying to protect....I ended up shutting others out at times. Sorry to ramble on. We'll be praying!!!

Allison Ricketts

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about the melanoma... haven't been through it myself but have had many family members make it through with wonderful success. This post might be quote old, I actually found it searching for different stuff on dr logerfo. I have had a few problems myself with his has he seems so unsure of his diagnosis that he seems to refer for the smallest things and is uncomfortable letting you know what his actual feelings are. I am looking for another dr. someone that seems to have a stronger opinion than webmd. If you still use him great, so does my wife and daughter but if not I would love a referral! thanks and good luck!