Wednesday, May 16, 2007


As most of you know I haven't blogged for nearly 4 months. This has been due in part to a very busy schedule and also some other issues that arose out of blogging.
Still desiring to log in some sort of format each and every thing we encounter, understanding that this is a process and I am growing everyday and every single thing that I encounter helps me to understand how I got where I am and refocus on where I am going.
This isn't a place to begin debates or even push my viewpoints on any given subject.
So, please just enjoy what ends up on here and I will do my best to keep up with this thing at least weekly!

A lot has transpired in the last four months. I will probably share more as I feel led in each post. I don't desire just to post for something to do but rather to post as I am led of the spirit. Who knows all of whta will end up here but I hope that who ever stumbles across it will enjoy some part of it.


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